Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back to Baker

Yesterday was Memorial Day and we went to Baker again. We drove over Friday, went out to the ranch Saturday, hung around Baker Sunday, and drove back home yesterday. I got to see my Great Grandma Marcelle, my Great Aunt Kathy, my Aunt Lacey, my Granddad and my Grandma Barbara. I showed everyone how I can sit up all by myself for a long time. I just sat there and played and played with my toys. They said I've changed a lot just in the last 3 weeks since they saw me last!
I really like riding in the car so the 5 1/2 hour trip was a breeze. Both there and back I slept about halfway and then just played with my toys, jabbered, and shrieked. The car ride will be even better next time when I have my new car seat!

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