Thursday, October 16, 2008

The latest...

Now that I'm so mobile, I've figured out how to easily sit up in my bed. I even do it when I'm half asleep. The unfortunate part of this is I then fall back to sleep sitting up and someone has to keep checking on me throughout the night to lay me back down. I'll figure out how to lay back down on my own one of these days...I hope.

I'm getting more and more interactive with my toys every day. I love to play with blocks, trucks, trains, and any other interactive toy I can find. I also like to put smaller toys on bigger ones to see what I can get to balance. Another favorite activity is to take the smaller toys and see what nook and cranny I can fit them in. Lately, I've been secretly putting stuff under the couch...shhhh...

Grandma taught me how to play catch! We were sitting on the floor a few feet apart and she tossed a ball to me and encouraged me to throw it back. After only a couple tosses I had it figured out and threw it back to her every time after that! Who knew there was such a fun game out there!

I'm pulling myself up a lot now. I get on my knees easily but haven't quite figured out how to get my feet under me after that. I'm very strong though and with a little foot placement from Mommy I can stand up on my own. I practice walking holding somebody's hands a lot and still smile and laugh the whole time. This is definitely one of my favorite things to do.

I'm really starting to figure out how things work. Yesterday Daddy was going to put my shoes on me and he set them down next to me for a minute. I reached right over and grabbed one and set it on my foot! Daddy thought I might've just dropped it there or something so he waited a minute and set my shoe down and I put it back on my foot again! I also like to put hats on my head, then take it off, then put it on, etc. At this rate, I'll be dressing myself in no time!

I figured out a new way to entertain myself when I'm eating. Check out this video to see what I mean...

Now that I can crawl, one of my favorite things to do is play with Isabelle. Watch this clip to see me in action...

Be sure to watch them in high quality: they look so much better!

My birthday is one week from today. Can you believe I'm going to be 1 already?!

1 comment:

Nathan said...

No way can he be turning 1 already!! That is so cool how he was trying to chase the dog! You guys have a cute kid!